Fire Extinguisher Recharge (Nowra)

If you have used a fire extinguisher, (even if it is not completely empty!), you must have it refilled as soon as possible. Why? Once the extinguisher is used, the seals are broken and the pressure will gradually leak out. Even if you haven’t completely emptied the cylinder it is very important to have it refilled. Call now on 1300 724 778 to organise your refill today!

IMAGE: Used fire extinguishers must be refilled.

Archer Fire Services provides fire extinguisher recharging/refilling and pressure testing services in the Nowra and Shoalhaven regions. Simply contact us today to organise it!

This service covers all fire extinguishers – portable, wall mounted and wheeled, including:

  • CO2 Carbon Dioxide fire extinguishers
  • AB:E Powder fire extinguishers
  • B:E Powder fire extinguishers
  • Water fire extinguishers
  • Foam fire extinguishers
  • Wet Chemical fire extinguishers

Request your refill now!

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email Address (required)

    Your Phone Number

    Your Message

    To have your extinguisher recharged today, use the form above or call Archer Fire Services immediately on 1300 724 778. We will leave you with a loan extinguisher whilst yours is being refilled, so you’ll never be unprotected.